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Dream With Your Eyes Wide Open

The Kintsu Team is already looking to 2018 with glee. We have our eyes set on propelling as many people as we can into the new year with just as much confidence as we feel. While our consulting abilities are fantastic, we aren't saying we are the reason you could have a great year ahead. Not this time, anyway. In this instance, we are merely going to facilitate... to push your boat away from the shore into new seas, if you will.

What are we on about? Vision boarding!

This is a tool that has been around for centuries. We assure you, the cave men had the right idea when they drew their exploits (and plans) on rocks. There is something powerful about seeing where you are going that opens your mind up to anticipating what's to come, in the best way. And that is what we do when we vision board: make visible the things we have yet to do more than dream about.

Benefits of Vision Boarding

We at Kintsu Consulting Group recognise how useful having a vision board can be, so before we reveal what's brewing, here are a few reasons why we like it so much. We can say, without much hesitation, that the following five things are true.

Vision boarding...

...helps you set goals. Particularly for people who aren't one hundred percent sure how they want 2018 to go, vision boarding will help bring clarity to any vague hopes or ideas.

...motivates you to take action. Usually the problem with novel ideas or big dreams is we can't imagine how we will get from here to there. With a vision board and some added coaching from the Kintsu Team, that won't be an issue any longer. The process allows for figuring out how to fill the gaps.

...applies to any area of your life. Whether you are a gap year student or a seasoned business executive, you can make a vision board that speaks into whatever stage of life you identify with. There are different types of vision boards and they can be used to create perspective for work or personal goals, relationship goals, financial goals and everything in between.

...articulates the intangible. You may not have what it is you aspire to. You may not have ever experienced it either, but that is no reason for you to put that just-out-of-reach goal on the back shelf. That is the quickest way to forget it or live with unfulfilled dreams. A vision board, however, gives you a real image to pursue and hope for, bringing you one step closer to achieving it... and that will lead to many other steps, because with a vision board you know exactly what you're looking for. fun! As with most creative processes, vision boarding gives you freedom and hope that something new or pleasing is on its way. It also gives those often forgotten about brain cells a good shake. No one can tell you what should be, you get to make the rules and in some cases, you even make a mess. It's totally allowed. And if you bring your friends, we guarantee it will be twice as enjoyable as you cheer each other on to greater heights.

The Invitation

Now that we have given you a few of the numerous benefits of vision boarding, we get to tell you why we're so excited about 2018! Kintsu Consulting Group is hosting our first-ever (and hopefully first of many!) vision boarding workshop this month.

Not only do you get to try vision boarding for yourself, we are making it hugely affordable! For just $7.00* you will get to experience a group coaching session with one of our consultants. Believe us when we say that is a steal. On top of that, the fee includes refreshments and materials. This highly subsidised fee is an early Christmas present from another one of our consultants. So join us on the 16th of December, for this amazing learning opportunity. You will leave with a clear visual map and some practical skills you can apply throughout 2018, across any sphere of life.

You don't want to miss it. Contact Kintsu Consulting Group for more information.

*This price is only applicable to those who register for the Vision Boarding on December 16th, 2017. Any other time, there is a standard price for this product.


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