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Press For Progress Now

It gives us great pleasure to talk about the theme for International Women's Day (IWD) 2018, for just a moment. Particularly how the UN Women are putting it across because it's the very same message we've been sending since the end of last year. The theme this year conveys the message that we need to press for progress with regards to gender disparity as well as the awareness and action surrounding an array of issues. Even closer to home, the UN is saying, the time to do so- to take action and make a push for effective change- is now. Forgive us for saying we told you so, but it is high time that we stop dreaming about what we want to see and how we want the world to be.

What's so great is that we have a number of clients and contacts who responded when we started saying this. In fact, the majority of the people with whom we've discussed business development and done vision boarding with are women. Not that men don't see the value in goal-setting and personal skills development, but women, particularly in Zimbabwe, are becoming more proactive about taking the reins and impacting economic and social change for themselves, which in turn affects others. It would be a myth to say that women have no ambitions, so it's wonderful to see them making moves to get their footing and take on new challenges. And we're talking about women from all walks of life. Mothers of small children with side hustles, academics moving into consultation, professionals taking on community and social entrepreneurship roles... These are all examples of responses to the invigorating call to action: The Time Is Now.

We are aware that not every woman wants to start a business or become an industry icon, so we've also chosen to highlight that one can press for progress within an existing context. Kintsu Consulting Group believes that it's an aspect of personal development to find your voice on matters and also choose a way to express those views which are important to you. We think all people have a role to play in effecting change in society. No voice is insignificant or irrelevant. The IWD organization has some ways that we can press for change and we have made an infographic as an introduction to #PressForProgress.

Kintsu #PressForProgress Infographic

The five points can be viewed as categories or overarching ways to get involved but under each of these points, there are examples, so you have an idea of where to begin. We haven't put all the information you can find on their website, but we have given you a starting point. The list is not exhaustive at all.

We at Kintsu Consulting like the idea of identifying more inclusive alternatives and assuming that women want opportunities until they actually decline them, so we are entirely onboard. Whether you are a creative who wants to build a bigger brand for your artwork or a corporate professional wanting to excel in your field, there are ways to actively live the idea of pressing for progress and we say the time to engage has come. You don't have to be combative, you don't have to tell the whole world. Just start living the ideals that support the growth of women, exposing them to opportunities and chances to do what they are capable of doing.

For IWD this is just the beginning of the year and the global campaigns. For Kintsu, as well, we've been saying the time is now for a while and we won't stop saying it. The chance to take action almost never expires. Whether you're planning to launch a business or designing a community intervention, planning to better interpersonal relationships or getting ready for a job interview, Kintsu can help you. We're rooting for your success.

For more information about the IWD #PressForProgress campaign, you can follow this link. If you would like to find ways in which Kintsu Consulting can help you adopt positive behaviours in your day to day life, get in touch with us today, we would love to hear from you.

Ladies, why not call your friends together and have a vision boarding or goal setting party to get started on those ideas and dreams you've been sitting on? Send us an email today and we will host you!

Ladies, why not throw a vision boarding party with your friends and encourage each other to get ahead with those dreams you have been sitting on for ages? Contact us today and we would be happy to host you!

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